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Annual Awards 2022

SCA Annual Presentation Night 2021-2022

Southern Campdrafting Association ANNUAL PRESENTATION NIGHT

The Southern Campdrafting Association held their Annual Presentations on the 20th of August at the Albury Commercial Club, where over 100 Members from three states travelled, and family and friends gathered for the 2021-2022 Annual Presentation Night.
The evening commenced with MC, SCA President Gina Lincoln, welcoming sponsors, members, and guests including SCA Life Members Dennis Heywood and Trish Baxter. Gina also sent condolences to Yvonne Faulder’ s family and friends since her passing.
After a short break in proceedings whilst entrées were served, the presentation of the Champion Horse awards followed.
Sulky Gully Saddlery sponsored Champion Rookie Horse - Awards were presented on behalf Ian and Sheryl Burnett - 1st place went to ‘Conspin’ owned by Callum Moore, 2nd Paige Nancarrow’s ‘Oaks Confection’, 3rd place went to ‘Mobile’ owned by David Murphy, 4th  was won by ‘Constantly Stylish owned by Paige Nancarrow’, 5th Jenn and John Corbett’s ‘Yaven Metallic Jitterbug’ and in 6th place was Angus Patterson’s ‘Chisums Playgirl’.
Equi-form sponsored Champion Maiden Horse - Awards were presented on behalf of Ali Delaney -1st place was ‘Conspin’ owned by Callum Moore who travelled from Camperdown in Victoria,  2nd place was ‘The Metallist’ owned by Steven Hart from Googong New South Wales, 3rd ‘Oaks Confection’ owned by Paige Nancarrow from Camperdown Victoria, 4th ‘Taunton Vale Freedom’ owned by Georgina Anderson from Iron Knob South Australia, 5th ‘Hogans Nikon" owned by Fergus Shaw from Macedon Victoria, and equal 6th was “Barnetts Sway’ owned by Jodie Bauer from Tumut New South Wales and ‘Harry’ owned by Craig McNabb from Moama New South Wales.
MGI Business Solutions sponsored Champion Novice Horse - Awards were presented on behalf of Matthew Moy - 1st  place was ‘Lena’s Little Tassa’ owned by Paige Nancarrow, 2nd place was 'Autumn’ owned by Ian Laurie from Ballalaba New South Wales, 3rd place went to ‘Spin N Romance’ owned by David Mitchell from Tooma New South Wales, 4th place was Callum Moore’s 'Conman’s Request’, 5th place was ‘Koolewong Cressida’ owned by Paige Nancarrow, and 6th place went to ‘Falcon’ owned by Norm Barratt.
Double Up Panels & Neverleak Raincoats sponsored Champion Open Horse - Awards were presented on behalf of Warwick and Jenny Vinge - 1st went to ‘One Stylish Oak’ owned by Paige Nancarrow, 2nd place was ‘Lena’s Little Tassa’ owned by Paige Nancarrow, 3rd Simon Dodwell’s ‘Expression’, 4th   place went to ‘Boston Legal’ owner Sadye Wines,    = 5th went to Nick Taylor’s ‘Scandalous’ and Matt and Chrissie French’s ‘Charm’.
Paige Nancarrow was also presented with the Barry Bourke Memorial Open Trophy.
Teys Australia sponsored Champion All Round Horse - Awards were presented on behalf of Terri Wolfe – 1st place was won by Nick Taylor’s "Scandalous", while 2nd place was won by Paige Nancarrow’s ‘One Stylish Oak’, 3rd went to Nick Taylor’s ‘Skeeta’, 4th went to Lena’s Little Tassa owned by Paige Nancarrow, 5th place went to ‘Boston Legal’ owned by Sadye Wines and in 6th place was ‘Mobile Kosciusko’ owned by Sue Parker.
Members and guests then enjoyed their main meals before proceeding with the presentations of the Champion Rider Awards. 
Following the meal was the presentation of Champion Lady Rider.
Blacklock’s Isuzu Ute sponsored Champion Lady Rider - Awards were presented on behalf of Rick Kamevaar – equal 1st placing were Jess Jackson of Tallarook, Victoria and Paige Nancarrow from Camperdown, Victoria. They were also presented with the Nicole Goff Memorial Trophy. Equal 3rd place went to Catherine Rowley of Durran Durra, New South Wales, and Chevelle Gunston of Cobram, Victoria, 5th place was Jane Woodward from Bungendore, New South Wales, and equal 6th places went to Sadye Wines of Corindhap, Victoria and Bronwen Upjohn of Willowmavin, Victoria.
Shanahan’s Livestock Transport sponsored Champion Rider - Awards were presented on behalf of Dom Shanahan - Champion Rider went to Paige Nancarrow and Runner-up to Ian Laurie, 3rd David Murphy, 4th Nick Taylor, 5th Simon Dodwell and 6th went to Callum Moore.
There were no placings for the 2021-2022 Season of Rookie Rider Awards.
The President’s Award went to Rebecca Sim for her dedication and passion to the sport of campdrafting and her contribution to the Southern Campdrafting Association and representation in the Classic Ladies Foundation.
Gina then introduced Life Member Trish Baxter who spoke and presented Life Memberships to retiring Secretary and Treasurer, Marilyn, and Tony Bowden after 23 years in the office..
Trish spoke to the members regarding Marilyn and Tony’s service to the SCA, and how they have seen many changes over the years. Their dedication and service to the members and committees was an attribute that all appreciated.
Gina then also thanked Marilyn and Tony for all they have contributed to the SCA, as well as thanking Heath and Christine for all they have both done in the time of Marilyn and Tony being in the office
The evening was capped off by the drawing of the 2022-2023 Event Sponsors with the following events drawn –
-       Champion Rookie Horse – Combaning Rural Photography
-       Champion Maiden Horse – Yalatta Park Stock Horses
-       Champion Novice Horse – CPM Breeding & Performance Horses
-       Champion Open Horse – Equi-Form
-       Champion All Round Horse – DUP/ Neverleak Raincoats
-       Champion Rookie Rider – CM Pastoral Co.
-       Champion Junior Rider – ETA Mechanical Solutions
-       Champion Juvenile Rider – Australian Performance Horse Magazine
-       Champion Lady Rider – Shanahan’s Livestock Transport
-       Champion Rider – MGI Business Solutions
We would like to sincerely thank our 2021-2022 Event Sponsors –
-       Sulky Gully Saddlery
-       CM Pastoral Company
-       Shanahan’s Livestock Transport
-       Teys Australia
-       Double Up Panels-Neverleak Coats 
-       ETA Mechanical Solutions
-       All Things Country
-       Blacklock’s Isuzu Ute
-       Equi-Form
-       MGI Business Solutions
A big thank you to our Trophy Sponsors Nungar Knots Camden NSW, Skyline Vaquero America, Caribu Horsewear, Bill Willoughby SA, Angus Barratt Saddlery Orange, Nug Nug Ranch Barwidgee, Farren Lane Gundagai, Riverina Co-Op Wagga Wagga, Tumbarumba Outfitters, All Things Country, Southwest Stock Feeds Wagga Wagga and Champion pennants from Pennant Products. We urge all members to support our sponsors, as without them the Presentation evening would not be possible.
A big thank you to the Albury Commercial Club. Great catering and a first-class venue. Their attention to detail is second to none.
Thank you is also extended to our campdraft committees, volunteers, and cattle donors. Without the contributions you all make,  this fantastic family sport of campdrafting would not exist.
After the formal part of the evening, all relaxed and enjoyed their desert and the music by Albury DJ – Fenzy’s Entertainment and catching up with good friends.




Champion Rookie Horse

Champion Rookie Horse

Champion Maiden Horse

Champion Maiden Horse

Champion Novice Horse

Champion Novice Horse

Champion Open Horse

Champion Open Horse

Champion All Round Horse

Champion All Round Horse

Champion Junior Rider

Champion Junior Rider

Champion Juvenile Rider

Champion Juvenile Riders

Champion Lady Rider

Champion Lady Riders

Champion Riders

Champion Riders

Presidents Award

President Award went to Bec Sim pictured with Gina Lincoln


Gina Lincoln and Trish Baxter with Tony and Marilyn Bowden


Photos courtest CB Photography.


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  • SCA   sca facebook link
  • see Club & Event Information Link on Navigation Bar for current Calendar etc.
  • see dropdown Event Program link for  Campdraft Programs & Clinics
  • IMPORTANT! - Members, please see link below to cast your vote regarding the magazine! Details in the April-July issue out soon! Voting will open on Monday 7th April at 8am and will close Sunday 13th April 2025 at 5pm - click here for link
  • Attention Members! - Click here regarding Weekend Memberships
  • Members Notice/ Rule Changes from 1st July 2025 - click here
Competition Age Groups
Junior Competitors ARE:
8 years and under 13 years.
Juvenile Competitors ARE:
13 years and under 17 years

N.B: All Competitors under 18 years must wear Hardhats that comply with current Australian Safety Standards at all times whilst mounted. eg.3838 

championship points graphic
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weather bureau link
SCA sponsers
  BXT   4cyte   Titanium Caravans
  Riverina Logo Crop