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SCA History

1973 - 2024

The Southern Campdrafting Association from a small beginning some 51 years ago, when a group of campdrafters and supporters got together and held a meeting in early March 1973 at Tumut. With their main aim to promote and foster campdrafting in the Southern area as they felt the Northern riders were well recognised but not the southern riders and to provide Insurance cover to its riders

The SCA has never lost sight of its main aim which is to provide Personal Accident Insurance for all its Members at a very affordable cost of $165 all inclusive and also provides Insurance for all SCA Clubs in this unique Australian Horse Sport of Campdrafting, where all generations of the family male and female, can participate and enjoy.  Never forgetting that our members and clubs are the SCA.

Strong and stable leadership under Past President's, such as Mr Lex Webb, Mr. Warren Clarke, Mr. Sonny Roots, Mr. Keith Whitsed, Mr. Ron Connley, Mr. Tom Ventry, Mr. Dennis Heywood, Mr Stephen Baxter, Mr Mark Barton, Mr Jamie Dowling and to the current President Mrs Gina Lincoln combined with a large number of Director's and committee men and women who have dedicated so many years to this Association, too many to be able to give them true justice in this small column, along with the secretaries such as Mrs. Yvonne Faulder (14yrs), D. Ferguson, N & F Ward, A Gimbert, R. Rafters, Mrs. Linda Pigram,Tony and Marilyn Bowden (23yrs) and Kelly Ferguson who is the current secretary, has seen our membership grow strongly from 48 members and 1 day member in 1973 to over 1800 full members and over 440 draft permit holders in the 2023-24 season with an average growth rate of 5%.

The number of clubs has fluctuated over the 50 years with eight clubs in 1973 to fifty nine clubs this current year including new clubs on board for 2024-2025 season. The Directors set a business plan, which is reviewed each year to give direction and purpose in achieving the goals set which ensures the SCA's future is strong and continuing to grow. The Association covers a large area from Port Augusta in South Australia to Broken Hill in the North West NSW down to West Wyalong in central west and onto the NSW Coast and southern NSW as well as most of Victoria.

Sponsorship has always been a huge part of the SCA with the many sponsors at the grass roots of the sport getting behind their local drafts to raise much needed funds for their local communities and charities. This has become a major focus for the Association each year with a variety of major companies sponsoring the SCA (see Sponsors link) as well as many individual Event sponsors for our Annual Presentation.

The SCA also see a Women In Campdraft Clinic and Men In Campdraft Clinic as well as the very popular SCA Annual Youth clinics, which is continuing to attract 80 to 100 Juniors & Juveniles plus their parents.

Honour Roles

Horse & Rider adobe_pdf_small   SCA Life Members           adobe_pdf_small
Directors; Past to Present adobe_pdf_small  


members portal graphic

  • SCA   sca facebook link
  • see Club & Event Information Link on Navigation Bar for current Calendar etc.
  • see dropdown Event Program link for  Campdraft Programs & Clinics
  • IMPORTANT! - Members, please see link below to cast your vote regarding the magazine! Details in the April-July issue out soon! Voting will open on Monday 7th April at 8am and will close Sunday 13th April 2025 at 5pm - click here for link
  • Attention Members! - Click here regarding Weekend Memberships
  • Members Notice/ Rule Changes from 1st July 2025 - click here
Competition Age Groups
Junior Competitors ARE:
8 years and under 13 years.
Juvenile Competitors ARE:
13 years and under 17 years

N.B: All Competitors under 18 years must wear Hardhats that comply with current Australian Safety Standards at all times whilst mounted. eg.3838 

championship points graphic
classifieds button
weather bureau link
SCA sponsers
  BXT   4cyte   Titanium Caravans
  Riverina Logo Crop